Career Development

Career advice, internships, and mentors – matching up wrestlers and alumni (The better alternative to NIL)

College sports has been significantly affected by NIL (Name, Image and Likeness) funds given to athletes from donors and the like. The Rider Wrestling Booster Club believes that providing career support, and in coordination with the Rider career placement center, is more valuable to the wrestlers long-term by supporting their acclimating to career life after collegiate sports.

Accordingly, a strategic objective of the RWB Club is to facilitate career mentoring, co-op, part-time employment and full time employment opportunities for the current Rider wrestlers from alumni connections.

Many of Rider wrestling alumni flourish in their professional careers as doctors, attorneys, educators, CPA’s, business executives, owners and investors in various industries. They springboarded their education at Rider to become accomplished leaders across many career paths. RWBC greatly encourages alumni supporting wrestlers career development by mentoring and other possible career opportunities.

If you are an alumni interested in supporting an interested wrestler, please review the wrestlers’ Survey Monkey employment interest information and please enter your related Survey Monkey job opportunity by clicking here. The temporary password is Careers.

If you are a wrestler or wrestling alumni looking for such employment opportunities, click here for your Survey Monkey. Same password “Careers”.

Contact John Longabucco at or Neil Della Torre at